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Press releases and articles about me and my works

Articles featured on press or websites giving mention of my projects and exhibitions.


Ottagono, Schools&competitions - Un Carrello per Artè,
Oct/Nov 2001, printed only


Press release articles about Metrovia - Rome metro rail project (Italian only)

Festa Italiana

TimeOut Mumbai: Interview about Festa Italiana, as designer of the exhibition held in Mumbai in 2008

TimeOut Mumbai, Vetrina Italiana - Little Italy
p.48 31 Oct 2008, printed only

TimeOut Mumbai, Vetrina Italiana - Little Italy
p49 31 Oct 2008, printed only

Mentioned in articles about Festa Italiana 2008

ADI Toscana, Martinelliluce a Bombay per Festa Italiana,
21 Oct 2008
, web only

Times of India, Cabbies, cotton and other co-minglings at Festa Italia, p.2 6 Nov 2008, printed only

Art Oxygen | encounters

Mentioned in articles in the Art&Culture section, for being part of the art project "iamumbai" by Art Oxygen: