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web & interface design

Web & Interface design

HTML web sites and UI design.

A few web and interface design projects, done between 2002 and 2023.
As I got a master's in Transportation Interface Design from IED - Istituto Europeo di Design, I had later the opportunity to work on websites and software interface projects.

IICCI DB Software interface

The Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Magazine Database. Mumbai, 2009.
I did design the new interface of the IICCI database. The scope was to simplify an extremely rigid and unattactive interface done by the software programmers.
The chosen layout was extremely simple and clean, inspired by the then new Google search engine interface: a rounded edges search bar for queries, rounded edges, white background and pleasant green buttons.



I made few websites, using only HTML and javascript coding.
Besides my own website, I made the website of a upcoming art advisor, Simona Brusa, 2017-prsesent.
In the past, between 2003 and 2005, I made professional websites for the Italian Architects Council (CNAPPC), for MonitorD of the Studies Center of the Architect council of Rome (CesArch), and for the Italian Geographic Society (SGI).

Simona Brusa Art Advisor CNACCP indire website CNACCP indire website CNACCP indire website CNACCP indire website CNACCP indire website

Turist Metro

A Transportation interface project done for my Master's, IED Madrid, 2002.
Based on Madrid Metro, I proposed a train on-board interface made in HTML and flash which could be used both in passive or active mode to provide travel information.
The screen would give information about current stop, while showing next stop and main attractions, or the touch screen could be actively used by travellers to get more infos about the journey, line connections, and infos about the stops.

IED metro Madrid