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Honda nXt Commuter project

Honda nXt commuter

Internship project, Honda R&D Europe, 2000.

Next generation urban commuter

Development of the design of a new gen commuter, starting from market research report to a proposed concept design.
Followed at every step by Mr. Satoshi Kawawa, Honda R&D Europe Senior designer, the process involved also learning and improving sketching and presentation techniques.

After a market research report, finding a customer profile, the sketching started, investigating vehicle architecture.
While an early design inspired by the Messerschmitt was fun, soon a 3 wheeler, with tilting body and safe hull frame has emerged as a design proposal.
Also a full closed body was explored, with two small wheels downing from both sides at low speed to provide stability.

messerschmit        top opening 3/4 side view 3/4 rear 3/4 3/4 side view side view

Final design

The chosen design of the next gen commuter featured then a strong visible and unpainted aluminum frame, two seats in line, front headlights and windsheld, a rear shelf on which is possible to mount a removable storage container, removable plastic doors with side windows and a removable glass roof, like a Targa
The power unit is hybrid, featuring a CNG engine as generator, with the CNG tank placed beneath the seats, and it would provide energy to a battery pack and to the electric engine driving the rear wheel.

rear 3/4 final design 3/4 3/4